When a resource is over-allocated, you can use Microsoft Project 2016 to ensure your project stays on track. With Microsoft Project 2016, you can resolve resource conflicts by modifying assignments, changing scheduling, and more. Consider the following tactics to resolve resource conflicts:
Use the task inspector to identify the factors driving the timing of a selected task so you can take whatever steps are needed to address them. For example, if a task dependency is driving timing and you can modify the dependency, it might solve your problem.
Revise the resource’s availability to the project. For example, change the person’s availability from 50 percent to 100 percent.
Make changes to the resource base calendar to allow the resource to work more time in a week.
Modify assignments to take the resource off some tasks during the timeframe of the conflict. The Team Planner view is great for this purpose.
Move a task to which the resource is assigned to a later date using the Move Task tool, or modify the task’s dependency relationships.
Add a second resource to a task for which the over-allocated resource is busy. Change the task to auto-scheduling and effort-driven, if needed, to allow the task to be completed sooner and free up the resource earlier.
Replace the resource with another resource on some tasks.