Your Newsfeed hub is an aggregation of SharePoint activity such as news, mentions, and likes. When you click the Newsfeed tab, you’re presented with a dashboard of your relationships and connections throughout the organization. In addition, you can see which hashtags are trending and how many people, documents, sites, and tags you are following.
A hashtag is a way to track a theme throughout multiple conversations. A hashtag is the hash symbol (#) followed by a word or phrase without spaces. For example, you might use the hashtag #companypicnic2013. All postings that use this hashtag will be grouped together. You can see the most popular, or trending, hashtags on the Newsfeed landing page in the Trending #tags section.

From the Newsfeed landing page, you can post a status update with everyone or with specific sites for which you have permissions. As people see your post, they can like it or reply to continue the conversation. You see these replies on your Newsfeed page and can thus stay interconnected with your organization in one place without clicking around through each site of every team.