
How to Use Ad Hoc Views in SharePoint 2013

2016-03-26 14:58:01
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SharePoint 2016 For Dummies
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Users can make Ad Hoc views in any Standard or Datasheet views in SharePoint 2013by using the headers of the columns to sort and filter the data on the fly. These ad hoc changes aren’t saved with the app the way defined views are. Helping your users be productive by using these ad hoc options may involve training tips or help support.

Follow these steps to create an Ad Hoc view:

  1. Hover over a column heading and click the down-arrow that appears on the right of the header. This can be done in Standard or Datasheet view.

    A drop-down list appears on the column header cell.

  2. From the drop-down list, select whether you want to sort ascending or descending, or to filter the list based on data in that column.

    Clicking the column header also toggles the sort order between ascending and descending.

    Filtering options appear as distinct data from the values in the column (for example, if Marketing appears ten times in the column, it appears only once as a filter choice).

  3. Select a value from the Filter list.

    Filtering hides rows that don’t contain that value.

    A Filter icon appears in the column header to indicate a filter is applied.

  4. To remove the filter, click the drop-down list again and select Clear Filter from [Column Name].

If you want to access your Ad Hoc view again, simply save it as a favorite in your web browser. You can even copy the web address from the address bar in your browser and send the link to other people.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Ken Withee works for Microsoft and is part of the Azure team. Previously, he was a SharePoint consultant, and he has authored several books on Microsoft products.