
Managing Existing Views in SharePoint 2016

2016-10-12 16:34:54
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SharePoint 2016 For Dummies
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Chances are that you’ll want to modify your SharePoint views over time. Below, you find out how to modify your views and set one as the default view that users see when they browse to an app. SharePoint also provides a couple of built-in views that you may want to customize.

Modifying your views

After creating your fabulous new view, you may find that you need to change it. Maybe you forgot a column, it doesn’t sort the way you want it to, or the grouping is just all wrong.

To modify a view, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to the app where you want to modify the view.
  2. Display the view you want to modify.
  3. To change the view that is currently displayed:
    1. Click the Library or List tab on the Ribbon.
    2. In the Manage Views section, click the Change View drop-down list and select the view you want to modify. Alternatively, you can click the view name at the top of the page.
  4. Click the Modify This View button in the Manage Views section of the Ribbon. A View Properties page similar to the Create View page appears, enabling you to edit the view’s properties. Alternatively, you can click the ellipsis next to the view name at the top of the page and choose Modify This View.
  5. Make your desired changes to the view, such as selecting or removing columns or setting sorting or filtering options.
  6. Click OK to save your changes to the view.

Public views are visible to everyone, but private views can only be used by the person who creates them.

Setting the default view

To change the default view, select the Make This the Default View check box when you create or modify a view. If you are modifying the current default view, you don’t see the Make This the Default View check box.

Most apps have only one default view; the exception is the Discussion Board list, which has both subjects and replies as default views. Keep in mind that if you make a view a default view, it must be a Public view.

Other SharePoint built-in views

In addition to the other view formats, two other options fall under the view discussion:
  • Mobile: Simplified, text-only views of your apps for use on a mobile device. Mobile is actually a section on the Create View page. You can enable a view to be a Mobile view or set it as the default Mobile view. (Mobile views must be public.)

You can also set the number of items to display for Mobile views. If you don't see the Mobile section in your Create View page, this type of view can’t be displayed in Mobile format.

  • RSS: SharePoint generates RSS feeds for apps.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Ken Withee works for Microsoft and is part of the Azure team. Previously, he was a SharePoint consultant, and he has authored several books on Microsoft products.

Rosemarie Withee is the president of Portal Integrators and founder of Scrum Now. Rosemarie is the author of Microsoft Teams For Dummies and other Dummies titles.