Word 2013 actually gives you a paintbrush — one that steals text and paragraph formatting, by borrowing it from one place in your document and splashing it down in another. It’s the Format Painter, and here’s how it’s used:
Place the insertion pointer in the middle of the text that has the formatting you want to copy.

The insertion pointer must be in the midst of the word, not in the exact middle but neither to the left nor right of it. If it’s not right, this trick doesn’t work.
On the Home tab, click the Format Painter command button in the Clipboard group.

The cursor changes to a paintbrush/I-beam pointer.
Hunt for the text you want to change.
The special cursor is used to highlight and then reformat text in your document.
Highlight the text.

Drag the mouse over the text you want to change — to paint it.
Voilà! The text is changed.
The Format Painter works with only character and paragraph formatting, not with page formatting.
To change the formatting of multiple bits of text, double-click the Format Painter. That way, the Format Painter cursor stays active, ready to paint lots of text. Press the Esc key to cancel your Dutch Boy frenzy.
If you tire of the mouse, you can use the Ctrl+Shift+C key combination to copy the character format from one location to another. Use the Ctrl+Shift+V key combination to paste the character format; highlight the text in your document, and press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste in the font formatting.