
How to Import Styles from Other Documents in Word 2013

2016-03-26 11:26:30
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Each Word 2013 document stores its own styles. These styles originate from the template on which the document is based, but ultimately each document’s styles are its own. So, for example, if you make a change to a style’s definition in one document, or create new styles in that document, those changes and new styles will not be available in any other documents.

To save yourself the time and effort of re-creating new styles that you want to use in both documents, you can import styles from one document into another one.

You can start in either document — the styles’ source or their destination — but the process is shorter by a few steps if you start in the source document.

  1. Open a document. Create three lines of text in three different styles.

    This document contains three new styles: Report Heading 1, Report Heading 2, and Report Heading 3.

  2. On the Home tab, click the dialog box launcher in the Styles group to open the Styles pane and then click the Manage Styles button at the bottom.

    The Manage Styles dialog box opens.

  3. At the bottom of the Manage Styles dialog box, click the Import/Export button.

    The Organizer dialog box opens.

  4. Click the Close File button on the right (under Normal.dotm) and then click the Open File button.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  5. Click All Word Templates, which opens a list of file types, and choose All Word Documents from the list.

  6. Navigate to the folder where you stored another file, select that file, and click Open.

    A list of the styles in that document appears in the right pane.

  7. Click Report Heading 1 in the left pane. Press the Shift key and click Report Heading 3.

    All three custom styles are selected.

  8. Click the Copy button.

    Those styles are copied to your document in the right pane.

  9. In the right pane, scroll down to confirm that the new styles appear on the list and then click Close.

  10. If you see a prompt asking whether you want to save the changes to your document, click Save.

    The styles are saved.

  11. Close your original document without saving the changes.

  12. Open the new dociment, and on the Home tab, click the dialog box launcher in the Styles group, opening the Styles pane.

  13. Scroll through the list of styles and locate the three newly copied styles.


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