To determine which Word 2016 style is currently in use, refer to the Style Gallery. The style of any selected text, or text where the insertion pointer blinks, appears highlighted. The current style is also highlighted if the Styles pane is visible.
To specifically examine the style for any text, use the Style Inspector. Follow these steps:
Place the insertion pointer in a specific chunk of text.
Click the Home tab.
Click the launcher icon in the lower-right corner of the Styles group.
The Styles pane appears.
Click the Style Inspector button.
The Style Inspector icon is shown in the margin.
Upon success, you see the Style Inspector window, similar to what's shown here. The Style Inspector discloses the text's formatting based on the style plus any additional formatting applied to the style.

To see even more details, such as the specific formats used, click the Reveal Formatting button, as illustrated. Use the Reveal Formatting pane to examine all details for the style.
The shortcut key to summon the Reveal Formatting pane is Shift+F1.
The Reveal Formatting pane shows the exact formatting applied to your document's text. Click any jot or tittle to expose the specifics. Choose a link in the pane to summon the proper dialog box to alter or remove a formatting tidbit.