Before you print a document from Word 2013, you will need to make sure that your printer is read for you. Follow these steps to ensure that the printer is ready to print:
Make sure that your printer is plugged in and properly connected to your computer.
Refer to the printer instructions for problems with this.
Ensure that your laser printer has plenty of toner or that your ink printer's cartridges are brimming with ink.
Whenever the printer is low on ink or toner, replace it at once!
Check the printer for paper.
The paper can feed from the back or top or enter from a paper tray, or it can be manually fed one sheet at a time. However your printer eats paper, be sure that it’s properly stocked before you print.
Turn on the printer.
You can try to print with the printer turned off, but it takes quite a long time.
Your printer must be online or selected before you can print.
This is weird: Some printers can be on but not ready to print. The power is on, but unless the printer is online or selected, it ignores the computer. To force these types of printers to listen to the computer, you must press the Online, Ready, or Select (or similar) button.
When you're certain that the printer is up to the task, proceed with the printing operation in Word.