There may come a time when you don’t want to waste paper for that single page that you need to print. Luckily, Word 2013 gives you the option of printing a single page. Follow these steps to print only one page of your document:
Move the insertion pointer so that it’s sitting somewhere on the page you want to print.

Check the page number on the status bar to ensure that you’re on the right page.
Choose the Print command from the File screen, or press Ctrl+P.
Either command will accomplish the same goal.
Click the button beneath the Settings heading and choose Print Current Page from the menu.

This identifies the page you want to print.
Click the Print button.

The single page prints with all the formatting you applied, including footnotes and page numbers and everything else, just as though you plucked that page from a complete printing of the entire document.
Printing a single page in this manner is useful for when you goof up (or the printer goofs up) one page in a document and you need to reprint only that page. Printing only a single page doesn’t waste paper.