You can open your notes one by one and see what’s in them, but Outlook’s Notes module offers even handier arranging, sorting, and viewing. Decide what makes sense for you.
Try Icon view — just a bunch of notes scattered all over, as they are on your desk.
You may like the free-form Icon view. To use Icon view, click the Icon button in the Current View section of the Ribbon. When you do, the screen fills with a bunch of icons and incredibly long titles for each icon.
Outlook uses the first line of your message as the title of the icon, so the screen gets cluttered fast. If you prefer creative clutter, this view is for you.
The Notes List view is as basic as basic gets.
Just the facts, ma’am. The Notes List view shows the subject and creation date of each note. To see the Notes List view, click the words Notes List in the Current View section of the Navigation pane to list your notes.
Anything you can do to a note in Notes List view, you can do in the other Notes views. The difference is that the other views don’t always let you see the note you want to do things to.
Use the Last 7 Days view to keep track of recent notes.
The notes you’ve dealt with in the last few days are most likely to be the notes you’ll need today. Outlook has a special view of the notes you changed in the last seven days. To see your notes for the last seven days, click the words Last 7 Days in the Current View section of the Ribbon.
If you haven’t changed any notes in the past seven days, Last 7 Days view will be empty. If having an empty view bothers you, create a note. That’ll tide you over for a week.