
Timing Your Etsy Post and Checking on Expiration

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2016-03-26 20:17:46
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Starting an Etsy Business For Dummies
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With a little planning and forethought, you can post your Etsy listing so that it reaches the maximum number of potential customers. Once it is posted, you can go into your account at any time to see when your listing expires.

When you post your Etsy listing, it will appear within a few seconds on the main Etsy page under Recently Listed Items. To ensure that the maximum number of potential buyers see it during that brief, shining moment, you may want to consider submitting your listings at certain times — say, at 9:30 p.m. EST, after mommies on the East Coast have put their wee ones to bed, or at 12:15 PST, when everyone in California is on their lunch break. (Of course, Etsy is an international enterprise, meaning that whenever you post, odds are it's peak time somewhere.)

If your schedule doesn't allow you to create listings at peak times, don't sweat it. You can enter your listing details but wait to submit your listing until the time is right. To do so, simply complete the listing, but instead of clicking the Publish button to post the listing, click the Save as Draft button. Then, when you're ready to post the listing, simply go to Your Account, click the Draft Listings link under Items on the left side of the page, click the check box next to the listing you want to post, and click the Publish button to upload the listing.

Any listing that you post on Etsy remains active for 120 days (unless, of course, you sell the item or deactivate the listing). To find out when a listing expires, log in to your Etsy account and follow these steps:

  1. Click the Your Account link along the top of any Etsy page.

    The Your Account page opens.

  2. Click the Currently for Sale link, under Items, on the left side of the page.

    The Currently for Sale page opens.

  3. Locate the listing whose expiration date you want to determine.


    The expiration date appears in the Expires column.

    If your Etsy shop boasts multiple listings, you can sort them by expiration date on the Currently for Sale page. To do so, click the Expires column header.

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