
Tips for Traveling Gracefully

2016-03-26 22:04:09
Digital Etiquette For Dummies
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World travel can be quite stressful — even before you leave your home! Follow these travel tips to make your trip as enjoyable as possible and keep your manners intact:

  • Every courtesy should be afforded when traveling, especially abroad. Remember the adage of “when in Rome.” Always be respectful of your differences, others’ customs, culture, and religion. Always dress appropriately.

  • Be polite with all passengers and always be considerate to your traveling companions. Offer them your best smile and don’t lose your temper, no matter what. If you want to maintain composure, be as flexible as possible and don’t take rude incidents personally, even when you may be pushed and shoved! Practice patience.

  • Make sure you have your travel documents in order. Always bring proper identification and, if traveling internationally, your passport, visa, and inoculation documents (if required).

  • Leave your valuables at home in a safe. Purchase a slender wallet that hangs by a cord around your neck, under your shirt. Keep your passport, credit card, and large bank notes in that wallet.

  • The best way to keep from suffering stress and anxiety while waiting to check in at an airport, railroad station, or bus terminal is to allow about twice as much time as your first impulse dictates. Use that same expansion of time at the other end of your journey. It can take a lot of time to gather your belongings and leave an airplane or train station.

  • If you or your travel companion has any special needs, be sure to provide details to the airlines, hotels, or cruise ship before traveling.

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About the book author:

Sue Fox is the author of Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and a professional member of the International Association of Protocol Consultants (IAPC) in Washington, D.C.