Investment Area | Application Types | Percentage |
Computer-related industries | Hardware, software, and IT | 33.33 |
Communications | Telecommunications, Internet, and online media | 14.30 |
Business services | Marketing, advertising, management consulting, financial services, and banking | 8.48 |
Industrial goods | Automotive, electrical manufacturing, electronic manufacturing, and semiconductors | 5.72 |
Consumer goods | Retail, consumer electronics, and entertainment | 5.21 |
Research | Online searches | 3.37 |
Health care | Hospital, health management, health insurance | 2.86 |
Government | Administration | 2.04 |
Resource management | Oil and energy | 1.33 |
Top AI Industries
2018-06-11 17:32:54
From The Book:
Not all industries are using artificial intelligence (AI). Some industries have a wait-and-see attitude when it comes to AI because AI still hasn’t completely proven its worth, and the owners of these industries remember the AI winters of the past. In addition, AI research focuses on specific industries because of how AI actually works. AI requires lots of data as input, relies on algorithms to process that data, and then provides an output that, with luck, matches the requirements. Some industries can’t even meet these basic requirements, and far more exist to make an AI completely usable. Here are the top AI industries by investment in AI research and use: