Plenty of websites address various aspects of the human resources function in a business. These ten sites are the ones every HR professional should know about and use.
American Society for Training & Development: Access to most of the ASTD website is limited to members, but nonmembers can browse through the library and get useful information on a variety of training-related topics. Members have access to current and past articles from Training and Development, ASTD’s monthly magazine, as well as the usual features of a professional organization website, including information on conferences, education, job-related data, and certification.
Americans with Disabilities Act Document Center: This website devotes itself exclusively to information relating to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. In addition to a full text of the ADA, you get access to technical assistance documents and manuals prepared by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Department of Justice (DOJ), National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), and Department of Labor (DOL).
Bureau of Labor Statistics: This website is the place to go for numbers on all aspects of work in the United States. It contains a ton of information on specific industries, regions of the country, economic figures throughout the country, business costs, demographics, and more. Other elements include a steady flow of news releases, research papers, and online access to the DOL’s publication, Monthly Labor Review.
The elaws Advisors: Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses (elaws) was developed by the DOL and enables employers and employees alike to interact with online “advisors” about employment issues. The elaws Advisors ask questions, provide information, and direct you to the appropriate resolution based on your responses. Also available is a handy employment law guide that outlines major statutes and regulations affecting business and workers.
Human Capital Institute: Human Capital Institute (HCI) is a global association for talent management on leadership, as well a clearinghouse for best practices and new ideas. Practitioners, Fortune 1000, and Global 2000 corporations; government agencies; global consultants; and business schools all contribute information, which is available through HCI communities, research, education, and events.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration: Departments of this website include an OSHA newsroom; sections on laws, regulations, and compliance; a reading room; outreach material; and easy links to the DOL website. The categories are voluminous — everything from asbestos to hazardous waste to workplace violence. A typical entry consists of a summary of the topic, along with an extensive list of links to other information sources.
Society for Human Resource Management: The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) provides much of its information to nonmembers, although you need to join to gain access to everything. The various departments include an “HR Talk” discussion forum (with a highlight feature that identifies recent topics of interest), a “Research” section, and a “Templates and Tools” section that allows members to access testing resources, how-to guides, and other materials.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Categories on this site include background on the commission, facts about employment discrimination and enforcement, litigation information, and areas that summarize Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) policies for small businesses. You can access the full text of EEOC legislation and a manual offering an overview of compliance. A news feature provides information and updates related to employment discrimination.
WorldatWork: WorldatWork is a superb resource for news, research, educational resources, networking opportunities, and many more human resources topics. You may find that the cost of joining is well worth it, because the site covers a wide range of valuable publications and materials.
As an HR professional, you may be particularly interested in WorldatWork’s professional certification program, which includes certified compensation professional, certified benefits professional, global remuneration professional, and work-life certified professional. An online community allows members to connect with other professionals.
Workforce Online: Workforce Online was created and is run by the editors of Workforce Management magazine. Although you must register to access the information on this site (registration is free), after you log in, you can find a great deal to explore.