
Understanding Windows Update Options

2018-01-05 13:06:15
Digital Literacy For Dummies
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When a new operating system such as Windows 10 is released, it has been tested for many months; however, when the product is made available for general use, the manufacturer begins to get feedback about a few problems or security gaps that it couldn’t have anticipated. For that reason, companies such as Microsoft release updates to their software, both to fix those problems and deal with new threats to computers that appear after the software release.

Windows Update is a tool you can use to make sure your laptop has the most up-to-date security measures in place. Today most updates happen automatically, but using Settings, you can control how frequently those installations happen. You can set Windows Update to install updates and restart to complete the installation at certain times or days by following these steps:

  1. In the Start menu, click Settings → Update & Security → Windows Update.
  2. Click the Restart Options link. In the resulting Restart Options dialog box, you find these settings:
    • Automatic On/Off switch: Click this setting to turn the feature on, and then choose when you want updates installed.
    • Pick a Time/Pick a Day: You can make settings to choose a time of day to install updates, or pick a day to install. In most cases a daily update is sufficient.

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Nancy C. Muir is the owner of a writing and consulting company that specializes in business and technology topics. She is the author of more than 100 books, and she has taught technology courses online.