Besides these main competitors, you’ll find many, many smaller web hosting companies willing to offer MySQL/PHP packages to host your applications. There’s a good chance if you already have a web-hosting company you use to host your static web pages, it’ll have some type of MySQL/PHP support. If you already have space on a web server for your website, check with them to see if they offer an upgrade to a MySQL/PHP package.
With the popularity of the new “cloud” environment where everything runs on shared server space, there are now a few more participants in the PHP server hosting game. The Wikipedia web page for cloud service providers lists more than 200 different providers! You’ll probably recognize the more popular ones:
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Google Cloud Platform
- Oracle Cloud Platform
- Microsoft Azure
Be careful with some of the smaller web-hosting companies. These days, just about anyone can install the PHP and MySQL server software onto a server and sell space, so many “mom-and-pop” web-hosting companies now provide this service. However, installing the server programs is different from maintaining the server programs. Often, you’ll find these smaller web-hosting sites use outdated server versions that haven’t been upgraded or patched with security updates, making them vulnerable to attacks.