When you place a bid, eBay registers it in the Active Buying area of your My eBay page, and displays a clickable link to the item. This part of your My eBay page gives you quick access to all the auctions you're bidding in and how your bids are doing.

You should make the bidding page a daily stop on eBay, so you can see the status of your bids:
Bid amounts in green indicate that you’re the high bidder in the auction.
Bid amounts in red indicate that your bid is losing. If you want to increase your bid, simply click the auction title to go to the auction.
Dutch auctions appear in black. To determine whether you retain high-bidder status in a Dutch auction, you have to go to the actual auction.
The My Max Bid area reminds you of the amount of your highest bid; if you see a bid that surpasses your own, you’ll know it’s time to throw in another bid to stay in the game.
As auctions on which you’ve bid end, they are transferred to the Won or Didn’t Win page, based on your success or failure in the bidding process.
You can make notations on your bidding or item-watching. Just click the drop-down menu next to the item you want to annotate, click the Add Note button, and then add the information.