
Ways to Generate More Sales Leads

2016-03-26 21:27:01
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To get more people interested and asking about your offerings, you need to have an abundance of lead-generating information out in the market at all times. Try some of these best all-around marketing choices:

  • Toll-free telephone numbers (a big source of leads despite the rise of Web-based marketing; advertise your toll-free number everywhere)

  • Directory listings (don’t forget Web directories!)

  • Web site address (in all your materials and ads)

  • Reader service cards (in trade magazines, along with your ad or insert)

  • Blogs that share your expertise within your industry

  • Offers of free catalogs (through ads, brochures, directories, and Web site)

  • Coupons and special trial offers of all kinds

  • Publicity (any media coverage tends to generate leads)

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Alexander Hiam has authored more than 20 popular books on business and served as a professor at the business school at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His clients include many of the Fortune 500 firms and larger governmental agencies in the U.S.