
Ways to Remember to Take Medication for Schizophrenia

2016-03-26 21:20:41
From The Book:  
Schizophrenia For Dummies
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To help control the symptoms of schizophrenia, taking medication regularly is important. Remind loved ones who have schizophrenia to take prescribed medication as directed at the same time every day. These tips can help:

  • Associate taking medication with a daily routine (brushing her teeth or eating breakfast, for example) or a visual cue (for example, a kitchen counter).

  • Use a divided pill container to help your loved one keep track of her medicines.

  • Make sure that your loved one's doctor explains — and you and your loved one understand — the reason she's taking each medication and the risks of not taking them. If your loved one knows why she's taking the medication, she may be more likely to stay on track with her medications.

  • Ask your loved one's psychiatrist to minimize the number of daily doses whenever practical. (Short-acting drugs may require more doses.)

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Jerome Levine, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist whose career has spanned almost 50 years. He is the Deputy Director of the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research in Orangeburg, New York.

Irene S. Levine, PhD, served as the first Deputy Director of the U.S. Center for Mental Health Services. She is a clinical psychologist and an award-winning freelance journalist and author.