Before you can invest, you have to have a few extra dollars. But how do you save money with so many unavoidable basic expenses? Investors find ways to be smart about their money, even paying for routine costs. These sites can help you boost your savings:
- Feed The Pig urges you to stop wasting money and offers tips to help you get out of debt by cutting excess spending. The site can calculate how to get out of debt and even how much you can save by packing a lunch instead of buying one.
- Get Rich Slowly provides tips, calculators, and online tools to help you save more so you can invest more. The site's front page has daily entries of note to savers and investors. The site is a blog, which features posts offering suggestions on how to better manage your money.
- The Consumerist offers tips to educate consumers. It explains how to play hardball with service providers, like cellphone companies, that sock you with monthly fees. This site is also a blog, providing a daily stream of posts with tips and suggestions for consumers.