Word 2016 has many keyboard commands to offer you. Whether you use a computer with a honking 105-key keyboard or a tablet with no keyboard, word processing remains a keyboard-bound activity. The following tables show how to access Microsoft Word 2016’s commands and functions.
Here are all of the options you can utilize for cursor movement.
Pressing This Key | Moves the Insertion Pointer . . . |
uarr; | Up one line of text |
darr; | Down one line of text |
larr; | Left to the next character |
→ | Right to the next character |
Ctrl+uarr; | Up one paragraph |
Ctrl+darr; | Down one paragraph |
Ctrl+larr; | Left one word |
Ctrl+→ | Right one word |
PgUp | Up one screen |
PgDn | Down one screen |
Home | To start of current line |
End | To end of current line |
Ctrl+Home | To top of document |
Ctrl+End | To bottom of document |
Here are some basic editing commands that are always helpful when word processing.
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Check out these useful commands when you need to do some text formatting.
Bold | Ctrl+B |
Italic | Ctrl+I |
Double underline | Ctrl+Shift+D |
Word underline | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Small caps | Ctrl+Shift+K |
Superscript | Ctrl+Shift++ |
Subscript | Ctrl+= |
Clear formatting | Ctrl+spacebar |
Grow font | Ctrl+Shift+> |
Shrink font | Ctrl+Shift+ |
ALL CAPS | Ctrl+Shift+A |
Font dialog box | Ctrl+D |
Here are some commands that will help simplify paragraph formatting.
Center text | Ctrl+E |
Left-align | Ctrl+L |
Right-align | Ctrl+R |
One-line spacing | Ctrl+1 |
1-1/2-line spacing | Ctrl+5 |
Two-line spacing | Ctrl+2 |
Justify | Ctrl+J |
Indent | Ctrl+M |
Unindent | Ctrl+Shift+M |
Hanging indent | Ctrl+T |
Un-hang indent | Ctrl+Shift+T |
And just for fun, here are some popular Word keyboard shortcuts.
Help | F1 |
Cancel | Escape |
Go back | Shift+F5 |
New document | Ctrl+N |
Open screen | Ctrl+O |
Ctrl+P | |
Close document | Ctrl+W |
Quick save | Ctrl+S |
Repeat | Ctrl+Y |
Find | Ctrl+F |
Find and replace | Ctrl+H |
Insert hard page break | Ctrl+Enter |
Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Check out these uncommon (but useful) Word keyboard shortcuts.
Go to | F5 |
Show/hide nonprinting characters | Ctrl+Shift+8 |
File screen | Alt+F |
Styles task pane | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S |
Word count | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Symbol font | Ctrl+Shift+Q |
Print Layout view | Ctrl+Alt+P |
Draft (normal) mode | Ctrl+Alt+N |
Outline mode | Ctrl+Alt+O |
Split window | Alt+Ctrl+S |
Track revisions | Alt+Shift+E |
And finally, here are some commands that insert something.
Today’s date | Alt+Shift+D |
Current time | Alt+Shift+T |
Paste special | Alt+Ctrl+V |
Footnote | Alt+Ctrl+F |
Endnote | Alt+Ctrl+D |
Comment | Ctrl+Alt+M |