
Your Pomeranian's Grooming Schedule

2016-03-26 17:40:20
From The Book:  
Pomeranians For Dummies
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Taking care of your Pomeranian with regular grooming just makes good sense — and a well-groomed Pom is even that much cuter to look at. The following table covers basic grooming steps (and necessities) and how often to do them so you can take your Pomeranian from ordinary to extraordinary:

Do This This Often
Wipe eyes Daily
Brush coat Daily or every other day
Brush teeth Optimally daily; at least weekly
Check ears Weekly
Clip nails Every other week
Bathe Monthly
Trim Optional; monthly
Use a professional groomer Optional; every six weeks

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

D. Caroline Coile, PhD, is an enthusiastic dog breeder and exhibitor. She is the author of 34 dog books and many dog-related magazine articles, and she's the winner of 20 national dog-writing awards.