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Spanish All-in-One For Dummies

August 10, 2009


A value-packed guide to speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish

Spanish All-in-One For Dummies is the first Dummies All-in-One title in the foreign language category–nearly 800 pages of expert instruction to help people master Spanish basics and beyond. This comprehensive volume features content from all For Dummies Spanish language instruction titles, including

Spanish For Dummies, Intermediate Spanish For Dummies, Spanish Verbs For Dummies, and Spanish For Dummies Audio Set. The book's audio CD provides readers with an effective tool to help them start speaking Spanish from day one. Plus, the practical exercises give readers greater confidence in communicating in Spanish, whether traveling or in business.

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Spanish is a language that requires verb conjugation according to the person you’re speaking to and speaking about, so starting with present and past participles and the range of subject pronouns, you can talk about doing things all day long — and all day yesterday as well. In learning any language, the ABCs come in handy as does the proper form for all the questions you’ll be asking.

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