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Self-Publishing For Dummies

September 5, 2006


Get your books into the hands of readers with this simple how-to guide

Self-Publishing For Dummies takes you through the entire process of publishing your own books, starting with the writing and editing process and moving through cover design, printing options, distribution channels, and marketing to a target audience. With the advice in this book, you can tackle self-publishing, no matter what genre you write in. You’ll learn how to retain full control over your work and keep the profits from the sales of your book. In this updated edition, you’ll discover the latest technologies in self-publishing, trends in

the world of ebooks, and new marketing techniques you can use online and in the real world. Becoming a published author is easier than ever, thanks to this Dummies guide.

  • Understand every step in the self-publishing process
  • Discover how to write and sell your books in ebook and printed formats
  • Hire an editor, obtain an ISBN, and generate publicity for your book
  • Fine-tune your writing to improve your chances of success
  • Get your work out there—no agent or publisher needed

Self-Publishing For Dummies is the perfect choice for anyone with an interest in DIY publishing.

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