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Piano For Dummies

August 4, 2020


The key to fast and fun piano proficiency!

Whether you’re a wannabe Mozart or are an experienced hand at tinkling the ivories, the latest edition of Piano For Dummies has what you need to take you to the next level in making beautiful music using this much-loved and versatile instrument. Working as an introductory course—or as a refresher to keep those fingers nimble—you’ll find information on getting started, improving your technique and performance, and the best ways to practice until you hit finely tuned perfection. And, along the way, you’ll pick up the techniques for different styles, including classical, blues, and rock.

In an easy-to-follow style, the book also helps you sharpen your sight-reading. You can also tune in to audio and video online to help you improve your creativity and discipline, as well as hear and see that you’re hitting the right notes.

  • Choose the right piano
  • Know your keys
  • Scale up for success
  • Care for your instrument


Whatever you want from your love affair with the old “88,” you’ll find enough right here to keep you hammering happily—and even more proficiently—away for years to come!

P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you’re probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Piano For Dummies (9781118900055). The book you see here shouldn’t be considered a new or updated product. But if you’re in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We’re always writing about new topics!

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