Get positive suggestions for practical solutions to this heated issue.
Hotly debated in the political arena and splashed across the media almost 24/7, global warming has become the topic of the moment. Whatever one's views on its cause, there is no denying that the earth's climate is changing, and people everywhere are worried. Global Warming
For Dummies sorts out fact from fiction, explaining the science behind climate change and examining the possible long-term effects of a warmer planet. This no-nonsense yet friendly guide helps you explore solutions to this challenging problem, from what governments and industry can do to what you can do at home and how to get involved.
Elizabeth May is the leader of the Green Party of Canada. Dr. May is a lawyer and the author of six books on Canadian environmental issues. She has been recognized twice by the United Nations for her work in the environmental movement.
Zoe Caron serves on the Board of Directors of the Sierra Club of Canada. She works with Students on Ice Expeditions, bringing students from around the world to the Arctic and Antarctic to learn about the importance of these regions.
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Environmental Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Science