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Pilates For Dummies

May 20, 2002


Get your Pilates on—no gym membership required!

Pilates For Dummies teaches you the principles of the Pilates Method of stretching, exercising, and breathing, for amazing fitness results. The book guides you through basic, intermediate, and advanced mat exercises. It’s packed with exercises to help you target problem areas, gain strength and flexibility, heal injuries, and feel better than ever. With step-by-step exercises and illustrations, this book shows you how to get the most out of your mat-based Pilates routines, in the comfort of your home or wherever you’re exercising. You’ll also find over 100 photographs

and illustrations to ensure mastery of each movement. Lead a stronger, healthier life, with Pilates.

  • Get step-by-step instructions on exercises targeted at toning problem areas like abs, arms, legs and more
  • Find the right Pilates class for you and learn where to buy equipment, such as small balls, large balls, and Thera bands
  • Combine Pilates with other forms of exercise
  • Build your own home Pilates program to work out safely and with confidence

Anyone, of any age or fitness level, can start practicing Pilates. Pilates For Dummies will help you live a stronger, healthier life.

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Pilates has become one of the most popular fitness systems in the world. The Pilates method works to strengthen the center, lengthen the spine, build muscle tone and increase body awareness and flexibility. This Cheat Sheet summarizes what you need to get started in Pilates and includes lists of exercises, from fundamental to advanced.

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