British Sign Language For Dummies book cover

British Sign Language For Dummies



This lively guide introduces the key hand shapes and gestures you need to communicate in British Sign Language. The illustrations depict both the actions and facial expressions used to sign accurately, while the companion CD-Rom features real-life BSL conversations in action to further your understanding.
This lively guide introduces the key hand shapes and gestures you need to communicate in British Sign Language. The illustrations depict both the actions
and facial expressions used to sign accurately, while the companion CD-Rom features real-life BSL conversations in action to further your understanding.
British Sign Language For Dummies Cheat Sheet

British Sign language is the standard medium of communication for the Deaf community in the United Kingdom. It’s as rich and complex a language as any other, and just like with any other language you need at least the basics to get by. Take a look at a few of the most useful signs.