Lead Generation For Dummies book cover

Lead Generation For Dummies


Learn how to get your message heard above the online noise

The buying process is greatly changed. With the Internet, the buyer is in charge. If your product is going to compete, you need to master 21st century lead generation, and this book shows you how. It's packed with effective strategies for inbound and outbound marketing tactics that will generate leads in today's market. You'll learn the basics of lead generation, inbound and outbound marketing, lead nurturing, ways to track ROI, and how to score leads to know when one is "hot". Follow the steps to create your own personalized lead generation plan and learn how to sidestep common pitfalls.

  • Lead generation involves a strategy for generating consumer interest and inquiry into your product as well as a process for nurturing those leads until each is ready to buy
  • Techniques include content marketing through websites, blogs, social media, and SEO as well as outbound marketing strategies such as e-mail, PPC ads, content syndication, direct mail, and events
  • This book explores the basics of lead generation, inbound and outbound marketing, lead nurturing, tracking ROI on campaigns, lead scoring techniques, and ways to avoid many common pitfalls
  • Provides steps you can follow to create your own personalized lead generation plan

Lead Generation For Dummies is the extra edge you need to compete in today's technologically enhanced marketplace.

Learn how to get your message heard above the online noise

The buying process is greatly changed. With the Internet, the buyer is in charge. If your product is going to compete, you need to master 21st century lead generation, and this book shows you how. It's packed with effective strategies for inbound and outbound marketing tactics that will generate leads in today's market. You'll learn the basics of lead generation, inbound and outbound marketing, lead nurturing, ways to track ROI, and how to score leads to know when one is "hot". Follow the steps to create your own personalized lead generation plan and learn how to sidestep common pitfalls.

  • Lead generation involves a strategy for generating consumer interest
and inquiry into your product as well as a process for nurturing those leads until each is ready to buy
  • Techniques include content marketing through websites, blogs, social media, and SEO as well as outbound marketing strategies such as e-mail, PPC ads, content syndication, direct mail, and events
  • This book explores the basics of lead generation, inbound and outbound marketing, lead nurturing, tracking ROI on campaigns, lead scoring techniques, and ways to avoid many common pitfalls
  • Provides steps you can follow to create your own personalized lead generation plan
  • Lead Generation For Dummies is the extra edge you need to compete in today's technologically enhanced marketplace.

    Lead Generation For Dummies Cheat Sheet

    The world of marketing, sales, and lead generation has plenty of jargon, so here's a glossary of terms to help you know what's what. Also, here is a round-up of eight incredibly useful free apps that help you with everything from evaluating your website for broken links and good search engine optimization (SEO) to determining how engaging your marketing emails are.

    Articles From The Book

    82 results

    Marketing Articles

    Basics of How to Test a Lead-Generation Campaign

    All lead-generation campaigns need to be tested to make your campaigns better over time. By testing, you also gain insight into your programs — you'll know what's working and what isn't.

    A marketing team that doesn't test often is a marketing team that is blind to what their leads are doing. So what do you do? Build testing into your campaign creation and measurement process, and make sure testing is ingrained in each and every team member's minds. Each of your marketers should test his campaigns on a regular basis, or you can even have someone on staff who specializes in (or who highly enjoys) testing.

    Testing in lead generation and marketing is akin to the scientific method:
    1. Communicate a question.

    2. Hypothesize the answer.

    3. Formulate your predictions.

    4. Test those predictions.

    5. Analyze the results.

    Marketers typically use a few standard testing types to test their campaigns. You can test just about any aspect of a campaign — from channel used, to copy created, to subject line, time of day sent, and more. So get creative with what you're trying to find out. The more you know, the more you grow!

    Depending on what you want to test, you can use

    • Your marketing automation platform

    • A solution that specializes in testing, such as Optimizely

    • Google Analytics to track changes you have made

    In some cases, you may not even need additional testing help. For instance, if you post two messages on a social channel, you can track yourself which post has more shares and engagement.

    Marketing Articles

    How to Make Your E-Mails Hit the Inbox: Deliverability Lessons

    There is a lot of noise out there in today’s consumer's inbox. Your good reputation as a sender is critical to your e-mails actually making it into the inbox. The content of your e-mails is important too, of course, but marketers need to start paying attention to how their e-mails are being delivered as well.

    Here are some steps to take to ensure that your e-mails are being delivered to your recipients and not landing in a spam folder:

    • Become a trusted sender: When your subscribers opt-in to receive your communications, make sure that you are clear about what he should expect. For instance, how many e-mails will he receive? When will he be receiving them? What sort of e-mails do you send? Most importantly, follow through with your promises.

    • Create great e-mail content: If you are sending out e-mails with bad content to your subscribers, you risk having them unsubscribe and not engage with your company. Plus, recipients always have the power to mark your e-mails as spam.

    • Keep a clean database: Keep a keen eye on your data. Verify e-mail addresses before you send your e-mails. Make sure to regularly scrub your database to remove inactive, incorrect, and duplicate e-mail addresses. You can do this yourself with your operations team, or you can hire a third-party data cleansing service.

    • Choose a reputable e-mail marketing solution: There are a lot of options out there for e-mail marketing or marketing automation solutions. Make sure you choose a vendor that can handle bounce codes, feedback loops, and connection optimization.

    • Think about complaint rates: Your e-mail marketing platform will warn you if complaints are being made against your company. Take these very seriously. A suggestion is to create an e-mail alias to handle spam complaints. Make sure you register this e-mail address with anti-spam groups to show that you are responsible and have made yourself available to address any complaints.

    • Watch your HTML code: Make sure your HTML code does not have any errors. E-mails that have coding errors can quickly cause your e-mail to be sent directly to spam folders.

    • Have an obvious unsubscribe option: Of course, you never want your subscribers to unsubscribe from your communications, but you must include unsubscribe information in your e-mail anyway. Use a one-step unsubscribe process that is easy to find and easy to follow.

    Marketing Articles

    Top 10 Lead-Generation Blogs

    Due to the fast-moving technology landscape, best practices for marketing and lead generation change constantly. Keeping up with top lead-generation blogs is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest new tips, strategies, and channels to try. Here are ten of the best.

    • Ann Handley

      Created by Ann Handley, Marketing Prof’s chief content officer, Ann’s blog focuses on content, social media, and lead generation. Ann’s blogging style is marked by a humorous and creative approach to all things marketing.

    • HubSpot

      The HubSpot blog is known for its conversational style and the approachability of its posts. Publishing sometimes 10 or more blog posts a week, they keep readers up-to-date on numerous marketing topics ranging from the basic to the advanced.

    • Marketo

      The Marketo blog offers readers a diverse set of marketing and lead generation topics ranging from social media, content marketing, marketing automation, and everything in between. The winner of numerous industry accolades, the Marketo blog publishes five or six posts a week.

    • Convince and Convert

      One of the top social media blogs created by author and speaker Jay Baer, Convince and Convert focuses on social media, content marketing, and lead generation. Convince and Convert also features posts by a variety of well-known marketing writers, in addition to regular posts from Jay himself.

    • Copyblogger

      Copyblogger is a fantastic and informative blog created by blogging guru Brian Clark. It's a great resource for all things blogging and content marketing. They post about five or six articles a week and cover a wide range of marketing and lead generation topics.

    • Duct Tape Marketing

      Created by John Jantsch, a leader in small business marketing strategy, Duct Tape Marketing is more of a general marketing blog featuring both inbound and outbound thought leadership. Forbes named this blog one of the top 100 best websites for entrepreneurs.

    • Event Manager Blog

      Event Manager Blog is a comprehensive blog focusing on all things events. Learn about event planning by industry, internal company event planning, event technology, and how to leverage social media for all of your events. This blog is a great source of inspiration and tips.

    • Predictable Revenue

      If you want to learn about more about sales and closing deals, Predictable Revenue is the blog for you. Founded by Aaron Ross, blogger and consultant, this blog shows you how to turn your business into a sales machine.

    • Social Media Examiner

      One of the leading blogs on social media, Social Media Examiner features a variety of well-known industry thought-leaders covering all things social. Learn about social channels, how to track social media return on investment (ROI), and more.

    • TopRank Blog

      Created by digital marketing agency TopRank and founders Lee Odden and Susan Misukanis, the TopRank blog emphasizes search engine and inbound marketing best practices.