If you’ve got a great idea for your own business, you need the kind of straightforward advice you’ll find here — the kind of advice you’d normally only get from business schools and MBA courses. Small Business Kit For Dummies, Second Edition covers all the basics on:
In addition to the basics of business, you’ll also find top-class advice on more advanced business basics, like business plans, the ins and outs of contracts, and using the Internet to expand your business. For entrepreneurs large and small, this comprehensive resource offers authoritative guidance on all your biggest business concerns, and offers unbeatable advice on such topics as:
In addition, the book includes a CD-ROM full of helpful resources — forms, contracts, and even sample versions of the most popular software for small businesses. With Small Business Kit For Dummies you’ll find all the tools you need to get your small business up and running — and keep it running for years and years to come.
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General Small Business
General Small Business
General Small Business
General Small Business