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Real Estate Investing For Canadians For Dummies

January 29, 2020


Get involved in real estate investing

Real estate is a vital component of a well-balanced investment portfolio.  Real Estate Investing For Canadians For Dummies offers a clear, comprehensive look at investing in real estate in Canada—even if you feel priced out. 

From investigating properties—and other investment options, such as REITs—to securing financing, managing properties, and knowing when to sell, real-life anecdotes and a balanced perspective make this the ideal book for people looking to explore this lucrative field. 

  • Explains to millennial investors how success is within their grasp
  • Includes information on new mobile tools
  • Shows you how to research, analyze and manage potential properties
  • Covers how the real estate market goes through changes and cycles

This new edition of Real Estate Investing for Canadians For Dummies helps you confidently identify opportunities in a challenging market.

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Interested in adding Canadian real estate to your investment portfolio? Give yourself a head-start by brushing up on your real estate terminology, discovering how to identify profitable properties, and knowing where to turn for reliable help online.Investing in real estate: From dream to realityFrom scouting properties to making your investment, some of the common steps you’ll take as a real estate investor include the following: Get ready.

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