This is a must-have for anyone interested in achieving better performance through car modification!
So you want to turn your Yugo into a Viper? Sorry--you need a certified magician. But if you want to turn your sedate sedan into a mean machine or your used car lot deal into a powerful, purring set of wheels, you’ve come to the right place. Car Hacks & Mods for Dummies will get you turbo-charged up about modifying your car and guide you smoothly through:
Written by David Vespremi, automotive expert, frequent guest on national car-related TV shows, track
driving instructor and self-proclaimed modder, Car Hacks & Mods for Dummies gets you into the ECU and under the hood and gives you the keys to:
Whether you want to compete at drag strips or on road courses or simply accelerate faster on an interstate ramp, if you want to improve your car’s performance, Car Hacks & Mods for Dummies is just the boost you need.
David Vespremi is the founder of Boost Communications, a PR and marketing agency for automotive tuning companies. He develops program segments on automotive high performance for TechTV.
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