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Knitting & Crocheting All-in-One For Dummies


The patterns and instruction you need to start crocheting and kitting today!

Knitting and crocheting go hand-in-hand and are the most popular yarn crafts today. This one-stop guide to all things needles, hooks, and yarn will give you everything you need to know to get started knitting or crocheting.

The book covers absolute basics such as selecting yarn, casting on, and even how to hold the tools and yarn, to understanding stitches, checking gauge, and deciphering

patterns. Hundreds of projects, from beginner to advanced, include complete, step-by-step instructions as well as detailed illustrations and photos, and instructional videos online. It includes content from:

  • Knitting For Dummies
  • Knitting Patterns For Dummies
  • Crocheting For Dummies
  • Crochet Patterns For Dummies

Get started today and you'll be knitting and crocheting like a champ in no time!

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When you first get started knitting and crocheting, it can feel like you’re immersing yourself into a foreign land with its own language, symbols, and culture. But with this cheat sheet, you’ll feel like a native in no time. In it you’ll find lists of the abbreviations and symbols you’ll see most often while reading patterns and instructions.

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