Design your own fantasy D&D epic filled with adventurous exploits, cloaked characters, and mysterious monsters
If you're a Dungeons & Dragons fan, you've surely thought of becoming a Dungeon Master. Learning to be a DM isn't as hard as you might think, especially if you have Dungeon Master For Dummies tucked into your bag of tricks!
Whether you've assumed the role of Dungeon Master before or not, this illustrated reference can help you run a D&D game, either online or in person. From organizing your first D&D game to dealing with difficult players, this book covers everything a DM needs to know. Written for the newest edition of D&D by the experts at Wizards of the Coast, the game's creators, it shows you how to:
and manage disagreements
If you're getting the urge to lead the charge in a D&D game of your own, Dungeon Master For Dummies provides the information you need to start your own game, craft exciting stories, and set up epic adventures. Grab your copy today, and you'll be on your way!
James Wyatt is Design Manager for D&D and a lead designer of D&D 4th Edition. Bill Slavicsek is Director of Roleplaying and Miniatures Game Design. Richard Baker is a senior game designer and bestselling author of Forgotten Realms novels. All are associates of Wizards of the Coast, publisher of the Dungeons & Dragons® game. Bill and Richard are coauthors of Dungeons & Dragons® For Dummies.
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