Sustainable Landscaping For Dummies book cover

Sustainable Landscaping For Dummies


Sustainable Landscaping For Dummies provides hands-on, how-to instruction for realizing the benefits of a sustainable landscape, from selecting sutainable hardscape materials to installing a rain-water catchment system to choosing native plants.
Sustainable Landscaping For Dummies provides hands-on, how-to instruction for realizing the benefits of a sustainable landscape,
from selecting sutainable hardscape materials to installing a rain-water catchment system to choosing native plants.
Sustainable Landscaping For Dummies Cheat Sheet

If you want to create a sustainable landscape, examine your yard to determine what eco-friendly improvements can be made right away. Start conserving water and select plans that have similar temperature, sun, and water needs — and use environmentally-friendly landscaping methods — and you will be on your way to a beautiful and sustainable lawn

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