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Managing Your Money All-in-One For Dummies

June 28, 2022


A hands-on, power-packed guide to managing all things money

Time and money. Those are the two most important assets you have, and smart people manage both of them wisely. Managing Your Money All-in-One For Dummies is your one-stop resource to turn to when you’re ready to manage your money. It offers everything you need to confidently handle your finances. When you’re ready to create a budget, pay down debt, and scale back your expenses, you’ll find the support you need here. If you’re eyeing the future, you’ll find advice on improving your credit score, saving for college and retirement, and planning an estate. As if all of that isn’t enough, this comprehensive book covers other financial topics such as buying insurance, investing in your 401(k), and so much more.

The authors of Managing Your Money All-in-One For Dummies explain how to handle your money in a way that encourages you to think and act positively, no matter what your financial situation looks like. And as you move toward financial freedom, you can come back to this book to get advice on topics that go beyond day-to-day money management, such as taking out a mortgage, investing online, and more.

  • Get your financial life in order, whatever your stage of life
  • Make a budget, manage your credit, and pay down your debt
  • Demystify financial reports, online investing, and retirement plans
  • Save for college and learn how to balance your saving and spending habits in any economy
  • Navigate the new norm of online banking

Spend some time learning how to manage your money today. It’ll be a wise investment of both of your most valuable assets.

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Managing your money is crucial at all stages of your adult life — whether you’re interviewing for your first job, in the thick of your prime earning years, or enjoying your retirement. Some crucial aspects of managing your finances include taking stock of your finances, using a budget, building your savings, and investing your money.

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