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Mixed Breeds For Dummies

October 13, 2020


Own and care for a classy dog—no pedigree required!

All dogs are unique—but mixed breeds are even more so! The new edition of Mixed Breeds For Dummies helps you count the ways, walking you through the latest on choosing, training, and caring for a non-traditionally pedigreed pup. Whether you prefer mystery mixes or designer Labradoodles, winsome rescues or pampered pups from a breeder, you'll find everything you need to know and more about your new faithful friend—including the science on why they frequently enjoy better health than most pedigreed breeds and often make better domestic companions!

In her friendly, dog-whisperer style, professional animal trainer and prolific author, Miriam Fields-Babineau, begins with tips on choosing the mix that's right for you, setting up a puppy-friendly environment, and making sure your larder is stocked with healthy foods they'll love. Once you're confident your new pal is happily settled

in, she clues you in on the best (and most enjoyable) ways to exercise together for maximum fitness, finding a vet you trust (and administering first aid yourself), as well as schooling you in the latest animal psychology-based training methods to ensure you both know where you stand (or sit). You'll also discover ways to get to know your friend even better—from exercises to test their temperament to delving into the secrets hidden in their DNA!

  • Decide which mix is the one for you
  • Keep your furry friend healthy, from puppy to senior
  • Establish discipline and overcome common training challenges
  • Socialize your dog at a mixed-breed club

From walks and games on the beach to cozy nights in your happy home, there's a lot of fun to look forward to with your not-quite-best-in-show but much-loved best friend. This book will ensure you and your mixed-breed pal will live happily and healthily ever after!

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If you’re thinking about bring a mixed-breed dog into your life, you need to get ready, whether that means knowing which questions to ask and testing the dog’s temperament or stocking up on supplies. © Erik Lam / Shutterstock.comQuestions to ask when adopting a dogRescue dogs can make excellent companions. When you’re considering a rescue dog, ask the following questions: What is the dog’s gender?

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