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Paleo Workouts For Dummies

November 18, 2013


Paleo workouts that are heavy on results—and low on equipment investment

Paleo Workouts For Dummies offers a program of back-to-the-Stone-Age exercises with specially designed workouts that burn fat, fight disease, and increase energy. The paleo workouts found in this step-by-step guide, promote sound activities with a strong emphasis on practicing and mastering fundamental/primitive human movements such as squats, hinges, pushes/pulls, sprints, crawls, and more.

Paleo Workouts For Dummies caters to the anti-gym crowd who want a convenient program that can be used anywhere, anytime. In addition, vital details on healthy Paleolithic foods that maximize energy levels for the intense workout routines are covered.

  • Companion workout videos can be accessed, for free, at
  • The video content aids you in mastering paleo moves and techniques covered in the book
  • Offers a complete cardiovascular and strength workout

By focusing on the primal movements that humans evolved to perform, Paleo Workouts For Dummies is for anyone following a paleo diet routine as well as those curious about how to maximize their paleo workouts.

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Paleo workouts are meant to be short and simple but immensely effective in helping you build strength, quickness, and endurance. Because the movements and routines are simple, proper form is key, and you have to guard against over-exercising. In addition, you have to make sure you're fueling your body with the right foods before and after exercise.

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