
Everything you need to pass the TASC

If you're looking to gauge your readiness for the high school equivalency exam and want to give it all you've got, TASC For Dummies has everything you need.

The TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) is a state-of-the art, affordable, national high school equivalency assessment that evaluates five subject areas: reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies. With the help of this hands-on, friendly guide, you'll gain the confidence and skills needed to score your highest and gain your high school diploma equivalency.

  • Helps you measure your career and college readiness, as outlined by the Common

Core State Standards

  • Focuses entirely on the 5 sections of the TASC and the various question types you'll encounter on test day
  • Includes two full-length TASC practice tests with complete answers and explanations
  • So far, New York, Indiana, New Jersey, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Nevada have adopted TASC as their official high school equivalency assessment test. If you're a resident of one of these states and want an easy-to-grasp introduction to the exam, TASC For Dummies has you covered. Written in plain English and packed with tons of practical and easy-to-follow explanations, it gets you up to speed on this alternative to the GED.

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    In many states, the TASC test has replaced the GED. Students living in those states who are pursuing their high school equivalency can no longer take the GED exam; they must take the TASC test instead. So to prepare for your studies, you need to know how the TASC test is structured and what it covers.

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