Take a deep dive into the most popular word processor on the planet
Word, Microsoft's powerful and popular word processor, is capable of extraordinary things. From template building to fancy formatting and even AI-powered editing and proofing, your copy of Word stands ready to help you supercharge your productivity and save you time and energy. You just need to learn how it's done. And, thanks to this easy-to-understand book, learning is the easy part!
This latest edition of Word For Dummies is packed with the essentials you need to turn any old copy of the famous word processor into a document-creating, table-formatting, graphics-editing super app. You'll even learn how to customize your version of Microsoft Word so it's absolutely perfect for you, at home and at work.
You'll also find out how to:
So, grab your copy of the latest edition of Word For Dummies today. It's perfect for casual users interested in upgrading their knowledge of this ubiquitous app as well as power users looking for the latest productivity tips and tricks.
Dan Gookin wrote the first-ever For Dummies book in 1991. The author of several bestsellers, Dan’s books have been translated into 32 languages and have more than 11 million copies in print. Dan is the bestselling author of all editions of Word For Dummies.
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