With QuickBooks 2017 your day-to-day business bookkeeping is quick and easy, but it will go even more smoothly if you employ a handful of QuickBooks user interface tricks, keyboard shortcuts, and editing tricks.
Stephen L. Nelson, MBA, CPA, MS in Taxation, is a CPA in Redmond, Washington, where he provides accounting, business advisory, and tax planning and preparation services to small businesses. He is the bestselling author of 100-plus books about how to use computers to manage personal and business finances.
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QuickBooks Articles
When you understand what archiving in QuickBooks is all about, the process is quite straightforward. To condense the QuickBooks company file, follow these steps:
Although typically, you condense a QuickBooks file by removing old, closed transactions, the Condense command also creates files without transactions and files with only a specified data range of transactions. To create a file that holds lists and preferences but no transactions, select the All Transactions radio button.
By the way, you might use the All Transactions option to build a nearly empty file that you could reuse (such as for training). To create a QuickBooks file that holds a specified range of transactions, select the Transactions Outside of a Date Range radio button and then enter the dates that bookend the range in the Before and After boxes.