A captivating look into the medieval (and modern day) society of the Knights Templar
The Templar Code is more than an intriguing cipher or a mysterious symbol – it's the Code by which the Knights Templar lived and died, the Code that bound them together in secrecy, and the Code that inspired them to nearly superhuman feats of courage and endurance. If you know a little or a lot about the Templars, read The Da Vinci Code (or saw the movie), or are a Catholic wanting to know the church's official stance on the Templars, you're in the right place.
The Templar Code For Dummies reveals the meaning behind the cryptic codes and secret rituals of the medieval brotherhood of warrior monks known as the Knights Templar. With this comprehensive and user-friendly guide, you'll learn:
Holy Grail, and how they're connected to the Knights Templar
You can learn about all of that and so much more, including sites where the Holy Grail might actually be, what you can’t miss if you’re sightseeing in Templar territory, and potential hiding places of Templar treasures. Get your copy of The Templar Code For Dummies to learn more about the fascinating history of this intriguing group of knights.
Christopher Hodapp is a Freemason who has traveled extensively reporting on the Masonic practices in the United States, United Kingdom, France, and elsewhere.
Alice Von Kannon is a historian and writer, who has worked for many years in the advertising and commercial production business.
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