A terrific value-a full-size book plus video demonstrations of key Windows 7 tasks
Windows 7 is Microsoft's much-anticipated new release of the operating system that powers nearly 90% of the world's computers. This two-for-one package provides the step-by-step guidance that will get you up and running with all the exciting new features.
This bundle includes the complete Windows 7 For Dummies book plus a DVD with two hours of video training. Featuring the expert advice you get in the book, the DVD shows you how to accomplish various Windows tasks and displays the screens you'll see as you proceed.
with more graphical elements, better interactivitiy with other devices, and faster speed
This great book-and-DVD package will have you comfortably using Windows 7 faster than you can say 1-2-3!
Andy Rathbone (San Diego, CA) is the author of all editions of Windows For Dummies. Over the last seven editions of the book, dating back to Windows 95 For Dummies, the franchise has sold over 7.6 million copies. Rathbone also is author of all editions of Upgrading & Fixing PCs For Dummies as well as For Dummies titles on MP3 and TiVo.
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