
How to Change Your Facebook Business Page Type or Name

2016-03-26 15:43:54
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Sometimes, people make a business Page and realize they’ve made mistakes. Maybe they chose the wrong type of business Page, or want to change the name of the Page or the category that’s associated with the Page. You can change the category or type of Page at any time, but you can change a business Page’s name only if fewer than 200 people like the Page.

Sometimes, Facebook allows Pages with more than 200 likes to change their name, but this seems to be a random event.

To make those types of changes, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Facebook.

  2. Go to your Page.

    You can find your Page quickly by looking in the left menu while viewing your personal account news feed.

  3. In the Admin Panel, click Edit Page; then click Update Info.

    You arrive at the Basic Information tab.


    You can edit the category, subcategory, and name of your business Page. At the top of the Page, you see two drop-down menus, and you can take any of the following actions to make desired changes:

    • To change the category of your business Page, click the first drop-down menu, and make your choice.

    • To change the subcategory of your business Page, click the second drop-down menu, and make your choice.

    • To change your business Page name, click inside the Name text box, delete the existing name, and retype the new name. The new name will appear as the title of your Page but won’t change your vanity URL (username).

  4. Click the Save Changes button.

Sometimes, when you change the Page category, the input fields change. If you go from People/Author to Books & Magazine/Book, for example, the fields automatically change to give you a different set of input fields.

If you have more than 200 likes but must change your business Page name, Facebook sometimes puts a link on the Basic Information tab where you can go through the process of changing it. The only other recourse is to delete the original Page and start from scratch.

This is discouraged because you’ll lose all of your likes and will have to re-create your community from scratch. Also, changing your name after you have more than 200 likes may be confusing for your audience. If you must delete your Page, however, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Facebook.

  2. Find your Page name in the left menu.

    If you don’t see the name of your Page, click the More link to see the list of all your Pages.

  3. Click the Edit Page button.

    You are in the editing area for your Page, with a navigation menu on the left side.

  4. Choose Manage Permissions from this navigation menu.

  5. Click the Permanently Delete This Page link (just above the Save Changes button).

    A confirmation dialog box appears, asking whether you really, really want to do this. After all, this deletion is permanent.

    Any Admin can delete a Page that he or she administers. Please delete with caution, because you absolutely cannot reinstate a removed Page.

  6. Click Delete.

    Your Page is history.

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