
How to Use LinkedIn Messages

2016-03-26 07:51:10
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LinkedIn provides a way to send and receive private messages that you can access in your LinkedIn mailbox. You can send and receive private messages only with 1st‐degree connections. However, other levels of connections can choose to pay for a LinkedIn Premium account to use InMail, which runs upward of $39.95 per month.

So anyone can send you a message if he wants to badly enough. Fortunately, you mostly receive messages from connections.

Why would you want to send a personal message to a connection? Maybe you don’t have that person’s email address and need to get in touch with her. Or you might want to request an endorsement or testimonial, which you can do via private message. You can also reach out to someone from a group you participate in to further a discussion or ask to connect.

To send a LinkedIn message, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Messages icon at the top‐right of any LinkedIn page.

    The icon looks like a little envelope.

  2. Click New on the left side of the Messages dashboard that appears.

  3. Type your connection’s name in the To text box.

  4. Enter the topic of discussion in the Subject text box.

  5. Enter your message in the Type Your Message field.

  6. Click the Send Message button when you’re done writing your ­message.

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