Hiring outsourced workers for your micro-entrepreneurial business is easy if you choose carefully and are aware of potential problems. For micro-entrepreneurs just getting started with outsourcing, agencies and websites that specialize in outsourced workers can be a blessing.
To discover all sorts of technical assistance, start your search for outsourced workers by checking out these websites:
Elance: This site is the most active site for businesses and freelancers. This platform has more than 500,000 businesses and 2 million freelancers (stretched across nearly 150 countries).
Freelancer: This site specializes on freelance services that are more affordable (projects start at $30 and most assignments are typically $200 or less) for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
GetACoder: This site specializes on technical freelancers, such as programmers, coders, and software developers. Hirers also get a free guide on successful outsourcing.
Guru: This site is an extensive platform of freelancers with an emphasis on technical expertise, such as computer programmers and software developers.
iFreelance: This site doesn’t take out fees or get a percentage of the assignment. This site is run like a membership site where freelancers pay monthly membership fees.
Odesk: This site is one of the most active for outsourcing, and it contains experienced freelancers across many technical and nontechnical specialties.
Project4Hire: This active site is essentially like Odesk and boasts a large database of local and international freelancers.