- Welcome letter
- History of the company
- Organizational chart of the company
- Statement of Equal Opportunity Employment
- Proof of right to work (I-9 form)
- Training
- Termination, suspension, and discipline
- Attendance policy
- Work schedules
- Breaks and lunches
- Payday procedures
- Overtime
- Vacations
- Holidays
- Sick leave
- Jury duty
- Family leave
- Injury or accidents
- Driver authorization
- Smoking
- Drug and alcohol policy
- Firearms or weapons
- Theft
- Tardiness
- Sexual or other harassment
- Insurance
- Uniforms and grooming standards
Make sure you’re complying with both state and federal laws. Review labor laws in your state and check out the United States Department of Labor website. Include a disclaimer that the handbook isn’t a contract. An attorney doesn’t need to write the handbook, but if you do have an attorney, have her review the policies to be sure you’re on firm legal ground.
Keep it simple and straightforward, though; don’t let your attorney turn anything into legalese that your employees can’t understand. A lack of understanding can be the cause of a future lawsuit.You can find many samples of policies on the Internet, or you can get your attorney to help you create some. Here is an attendance policy.
This one is a drug and alcohol policy. Also, you can ask local food truck or restaurant owners if they’ll share their handbooks with you, but don’t just take a handbook and put your name on it. Change it to make it your own.