To master the S curve, practice drawing a capital S. Draw a large and small S several times, exaggerating or elongating the curves. Practice a backward S as well.
After you’ve mastered the capital S, use the following steps to start making your S look like a model:
Draw a long, stretched out S with a sharper curve in the top half. At the top of the S, draw an angled line for the shoulders. Follow the slant of the S down and draw an oppositely angled line where the S curves back in, directly under the point of the top of the S.
Draw a trapezoid for the upper half of the torso with the top of the trapezoid following the top angled line. For the lower half of the torso, draw a trapezoid following the bottom angled line.
Add a cylinder for a neck and connect it to an oval for the head. Add bent lines for arms on either side.
The bottom half of the S gives you a general idea of the line her legs will follow to keep her balanced.