Job titles label and categorize social media roles and responsibilities. Knowing what social media jobs require what skills can help you successfully look for a social media position.
Common social media job titles:
Analytics manager
Blogger/social media copywriter
Brand ambassador
Chief marketing officer
Community manager
Director of public relations and social media
Director of marketing and social media
Director of communications
Director of social media
Digital marketing manager
Public relations/brand manager
Social media specialist
Social media strategist
Social media consultant
Social media marketing manager
The following skills are required for professional social media success:
Community management. Oversight of the daily communication exchange within the company and the audience it serves.
Design and creativity. Understanding of branding, layout, messaging, and composition.
Search engine optimization. Possessing a firm knowledge of keyword analysis and HTML, with at least a minimal understanding of how search engines crawl for information on websites.
Communication focused. Altering delivery method to meet the needs of the audience being targeted, while maintaining a consistent message.
Presentation skills. Maintaining clear and concise vision, and connecting with the audience while summarizing key points and instilling confidence.
Writing ability. Using proper spelling, grammar, verbiage, and communication tools to effectively deliver a message.
Trend and technology comfort. Awareness of emerging services, products, and news related to the marketplace. Knowledge of competitive landscape required.
Big picture, little picture. Strategic vision in conjunction with tactical planning. Develop short- and long-term plans with defined goals, roles, priorities, and timelines.