- Earn your clients and referrals. By delivering value to clients, you not only retain clients but also grow your client base through referrals.
- Create a tiered service model. Assign clients to categories, such as Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze, and allocate your time accordingly; otherwise, you won’t have sufficient time to provide quality service to your best clients and engage in other marketing activities.
- Market your services. The best marketing is an intellectual capital campaign. Sharing your specialized knowledge or perspective should be your crusade. Don’t engage in mundane, dialing for dollars activities. Build a website, maintain a blog, be engaged in relevant community activities, and don’t sell.
- Team up with colleagues. You’re likely to have a tough time achieving success as a financial advisor if you try to fly solo. At the very least, you should team up with your client’s lawyer and tax advisor to develop a holistic, cohesive financial plan for each client. Beyond that, you can achieve even greater success by teaming up with other financial advisors through joint-work opportunities, especially if you specialize in one area and they specialize in others.